As a fitness expert, you may be thinking about cornering your fair share of the internet market by starting your own fitness blog.

After all, you have knowledge and experience, and it is your expertise. So, why not capitalize on that?

The question is—how are successful fitness blogs created?

Consider this article your crash course on how to create a fitness blog the right way. Read on to learn more.

Define Your Goals

You can’t just start a blog with no direction. That’s why it’s so important to set your intentions via the things you want to accomplish as a whole.

In other words, you need to set goals for your new fitness blog—and they need to be actionable.

While saying “I want to inspire people to invest in their health,” is a good start, it’s still not specific enough.

Your goals need to be measurable, attainable, relevant, and put into a time frame. Think about it this way—how many posts do you want to put up on your blog each week? Similarly a social media goal, how many social media engagements can you drive each week or even each day? From there you can expand your goal to measurable increases in traffic.

So, make a list of actionable goals and do your due diligence on how to achieve them.

Narrow Down Your Niche

While you can go for the general fitness blog approach, it’s better to narrow down your niche. Otherwise, you’ll have a hard time growing and keeping your readers fully engaged.

Narrowing down your niche will allow you to grow stronger and more quickly because having a more specific focus helps readers identify you as an authority expert on that topic.

Don’t worry—coming up with a specific niche doesn’t mean you can’t talk about other relatable fitness topics. It just means you’re targeting a specific audience rather than the general public, which is absolutely necessary because people tend to have specific questions regarding fitness.

So, decide which area of fitness your niche falls into and focus your blog around that.

Choose Your Platform

Where your blog content lives is intrinsically important, especially if you’re not the most tech-savvy in terms of setting up websites.

The first step is to choose a CMS, content management system. This is where you build your blog. The most popular CMS  for bloggers is WordPress. And we heavily recommend WordPress for the ease of use and the wide variety of plugins.

Once your blog starts to grow you will also need to consider hosting options. WordPress makes this pretty easy, they have their own solutions as well as work with many third party hosting providers.

Additionally, you’ll want to choose the right social media platforms. Social media is arguably one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website since it gives you an extended reach towards your target audience.

Instagram, for example, is incredibly popular in the fitness blogging world. You can set up a free account for your business and begin curating lifestyle-fitness content that will lead back to your blog, such as workout videos, healthy eating tips, and so much more.

Create a Content Strategy

Once you’ve set up your website and social media accounts using your business/brand name, you’re going to need a plan for your content.

When it comes to creating a content strategy, it’s important to go back to the beginning—as in what the initial goals for your blog are.

It’s also important to answer these questions:

  • Who are you writing for?
  • What are their problems?
  • Why are they having these problems?
  • How will you solve these problems?

You’ll also need to take into consideration the following:

  • How long do you want your posts to be?
  • How many articles will you post each week?
  • At what times will you release your posts?
  • Will you be announcing these posts somehow? For example, using your social media pages to make said announcements
  • How will you grow your leadership?
  • How will you reach new readers?
  • Who will write your blog content?
  • How will you track and measure your success?
  • What should you write about? I.e., nutrition-focused? Workout and training advice? lifestyle and wellness advice? etc.

By answering all of these questions, you’ll be giving your fitness blog a structure. Structure is crucial for creating consistency, trust, and loyalty among your audience.

Starting a successful fitness blog isn’t as easy as people may assume. It takes a lot of planning, time, effort, and research. However, if you do it right, you’re guaranteed to drive traffic to your website and make a proper name for yourself. And when you’re ready to turn this passion project into a revenue stream, Healthy Ads is here to help.