Many people out there have blogs or dream of starting a blog that pull in income. It certainly makes sense. Who wouldn’t love to make money from writing or sharing one’s lifestyle?

Unfortunately, many who try to make money with their blogs find themselves struggling to monetize their posts. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be so difficult. There are a few tried and true tips out there for monetizing your blog.

Are you wondering how to make money blogging? We put together a guide full of the best tips and tricks for launching a blog and making steady income. Check out our top tips below!

How to Make Money From Your Blog

The first step is to select a topic or general vertical and create a blog. We recommend chosing a topic you know about and will find it easy to write about. A successful blog posts at least three times per week. Additionally make sure your selected topic is in demand. Looking at serach trends can help see what users are looking for. As for hosting, there are a variety of options, we typically recommend building your blog on WordPress. There are thousands of templates, a wealth of resources and even beginers should find WordPress fairly simple to navigate. Once you have your blog up and running, it’s time to consider how you can make money from it.


Bloggers often find the most success in monetizing their blog by placing ads on their websites. Advertising is typically the biggest driver in revenue for most bloggers and with the help of a good ad provider can be easily managed. Advertising can be a big undertaking for a website. Large websites have entire ad operations divisions dedicated to ad management and ad placement. For smaller blogs having an ad provider that provides Ad Management is key. With full service ad management you don’t have to worry about any of the technology, relationship management, selling, etc. In fact without ad management a small blog is pretty much at the mercy of working with one network and that will leave a lot of money on the table.

Consider Affiliate Links

Affiliate marketing is an excellent tool for monetizing a blog, especially in the health and wellness industry. Essentially, an advertiser has a product they need to sell. They agree to give you a commission or fixed payout from each and every sale of that product if the buyer comes from your website. In order to track who is coming from your website, you’ll be given a special links that tracks your specific affiliate code. You’ll use this affiliate code when discussing the product in a blog post. This is a great passive way to pull in income with your blog, and it’s also a great way to network with other brands in your industry of choice. Affiliate links don’t pay nearly as much as ads, as they only pay if a user buys the actual product, however affiliate links can be used in addition to ads.

Consider Teaching an Online Course

If you’re willing to put the work into it and have something valuable to teach people then you should consider teaching an online course. People are always looking for how to or what is videos to help them grow or tackle a goal. There are a ton of WordPress plugins that you can use, such as Zippy Courses and LearnDash, to record and upload virtual workshops and classes. You could also use your blog to market your course and instead host it on an education website like Skillshare.

Host Giveaways

Use your blog to offer a giveaway or other contest to your readers. Make sure that the product or service you’re giving away is valuable to your readers– if you’re a health and wellness blog, your giveaway prize should be something related to health and wellness. Doing this can boost your brand awareness and pull in more users. It’s all about offering value. Just as well, you could also work with a third-party brand to offer the giveaway, thus pulling in more money for the both of you.

How Healthy Ads Can Help

Healthy Ads is a private ad exchange for websites in the health, wellness, fitness, and medical verticals. We work with over 2000 sites in our network and we’ve providing high quality ads for our sites since 2008. We offer options for both large and small sites, including offering full service ad mangement for websites and bloggers. We never charge any fees, we simply pay you for the ads we run! Learn more about our Ad Management here and get started here.