Options for Hosting your WordPress Site

Just about everybody with a website is using or is at least considering using WordPress as their chosen platform.

It certainly makes sense why. WordPress is massive, very customizable, filled with features, and is an all-around excellent choice for web hosting.

For online publishers performance is king. We all want a site that is fast and reliably hosted. Luckily, WP Engine is a great solution for this.

What is WP Engine?

WP Engine is a managed web hosting platform that offers hosting plans to users who have exclusively built their websites, blogs, and online shops using WordPress.

Unlike other “shared” hosting plans you may find online, managed WordPress hosting takes on the brunt of the work that surrounds technical issues, such as plugin management and overall site performance. This takes the burden of technical management and details away from the website owner, so the owner can focus on aspects of their site that really needs attention.

The Benefits of WP Engine

WP Engine is considered one of the best host platforms around, and more good news, WP Engine is extremely affordable with plans starting at just $31 per month for a single website: WP Engine – Startup Plan

They also have a top of the line staging environment setup is super quick and easy to do, and it’s located in a completely separate development area that won’t affect your actual website. It’s also chock-full of tools for WordPress, including image caching, SSL certifications, firewall protection, and malware scans. When it comes to the security feature, WP Engine is also fantastic for receiving accurate and immediate notifications and security warnings in the event of a breach—protection that all online publishers need.

Additional Features of WP Engine include:

  • Built-in automatic browser and site caching system
  • Automatic daily backups
  • Built-in Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • 100% free Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
  • Single-click restoration
  • Single-click manual backup
  • Single-click push from production to staging
  • Single-click clear page cache
  • Single-click convert from one single site to multiple sites
  • Domain mapping through IP
  • Automatic dashboard URL redirects
  • 24/7 phone support and help
  • Extremely fast page load speeds
  • Extremely safe and secure (something that is an issue with a lot of third party WordPress hosting platforms)
  • WP Engine user portal and dashboard
  • Reset file permissions
  • Access to PHPMyAdmin (a WordPress database)
  • Easily accessible link to WordPress dashboard
  • Website migration plugins
  • Switch between staging and production without the need for VPN access
  • Password protection for entire website
  • Accurate error logs
  • Git push
  • Manage multiple websites with just one dashboard

Speed Boost

Ask any online publisher and they will tell you that site speed is what they are after. A fast site is preferred by users and SEO experts alike. One surefire way to speed up your site is with better hosting. Sites hosted by WP Engine can rest assured that they are using one of the fastest hosting services in the game. We highly encourage you make this upgrade to grow your user base as well as increase your ad performance, both equal money in the bank.

What are you waiting for, test your site speed now.

Healthy Ads and WordPress Hosting

At Healthy Ads, we know the value of proper WordPress hosting. That’s why we’ve started working with WP Engine as a partner for our valued publishers. In addition to their already great pricing, Healthy Ads publishers get three free months when signing up for WP Engine:   Get 3 months free when you sign up for WP Engine